Octubre 2018:
-Mexico: Cartography of 100has for new solar farm.
-Melilla: Bathimetric campaign for new Ro-Ro ramp with multibeam technology.
-Berja: Lidar cartography of quarry and galeries.
September 2018:
-Egypt: Topographic control for solar farms Alcom 3-1, Bemban 43-4, Bemban 42-4
Junio 2018:
-Honduras: Solar farm fo 50MW "Los Prados", in Choluteca.
-Málaga: Bathymetrie for a float harbour in Marbella.
-Egipto: Study of eartworks in Aswan for 100MW solar plant.
Mayo 2018
-Almería: Bathimetric campaing for dredge in Almeria port.
-Almería: Bathimetry for regeneration of the beaches in Adra.
-Almería: Primark center of 7000m2 for the new comercial store Torrecardenas
-Málaga: Cartography of a golf club in Marbella with 200 has.
Marzo 2018
-México: Solar plant 120MW "BlueMex" in Sonora..
Diciembre 2017
-Mexico: Solar plant of 35MW called "La Laguna", Durango.
Noviembre 2017
-Francia: Solar plant of 5MW called Tréviols (Lodêve)
-Francia: Solar plant of 3MW called Argilas (La Gironde)
-Francia: Solar plant of 8MW called Le Plan (Sous Bois)
September 2017
-México: Cartography for solar projects in Torreón (Durango) for an area of 150 has.
-La Rioja (España): Bathymetric profiles in Ebro river.
June 2017
-México: Cartography for solar projects in Chihuahua, Hermosillo and La Puebla with 2500 has total.
May 2017
-Dubai: 200 MW solar plant.
February 2016
El Salvador: 22 MW solar plant in Marquez and Trinidad.
January 2016
Brasil: 30 MW solar plant in Sertao (Estado de Piauí).
Brasil: 30 MW solar plant in Sobral (Estado de Piauí)
December 2016
-Brasil: Cartography of 800 has for solar project in Ceará region.
November 2016
-Almería: Cartography of 20 has quarry
August 2016
-Brasil: 1000 has cartography for 3 solars project in Piaui and Bahia area.
July 2016
-Mexico: 30MW solar plant in Camargo
-Adquisition of 2profesional dron Ebee Rtk.
February 2016
-Mexico: Cartography of 100has for a new solar farm in Camargo.
December 2015
-Adquisition of 5 units of gps CHC model I80 and X91 with Carlson Survce for our projetcs in Philiphines and America.
November 2015
-Honduras: 50 MW solar plant "Los Prados" in Marcovia.
-Georgia: scanning of 1,8km of the subway of Tsibilisi.
-October 2015
-Philippines, photovoltaic plant of 50 MW in Tacloban
-Port of Adra: dredging of 52000m3.
August 2015
-Mexico: 16 MW solar plant in Durango.
-Cordoba (Spain): Measuring laser scanner structure of the city of justice.
April 2.015
-Honduras: 17 MW solar plant in Choluteca, Marcovia province.
-Bathymetric campaing for west harbor of Gibraltar.
-Bathymetries for enviromental studio of Costa Cabana and Almerimar beaches (Almeria)
-Guatemala: 50 MW en Horus I in Chiquimulilla.
January 2015
-Honduras: 49 MW solar farm in Choluteca, Marcovia province.
-New total station Trimble S3 for our new projects in Honduras
-New dron adquisition DJI Phantom Vision+ for RPAS cartography.
September 2014
-Cubing 30 hectare landfill industrial waste in Nerva (Huelva)
July 2014
-Stake out and survey for a precise new prototype of heliostat at Solar Plant of Tabernas (Almería)
June 2014
-Bathymetry and mapping of flood zone margins by drone and single beam in Balsa del Sapo, El Ejido.
May 2014
-Geometric control by multibeam bathymetry in the new dike west of the port of Almeria.
-Bathymetry for ramp Ro-Ro at port of Motril (Granada)
April 2014
-3d measurement of fountain and residence building in Yalta, Crimea
March 2014
-Measurement of different buildings in Moscow to study interior design stairs, floors and quality control.
Noviembre 2.013
-MDT'S beach and bathymetry of Zapillo beaches in Almería.
-STL models for 3d playback Macael municipality.
September 2013
-Acquisition of two stations robotic Trimble S6 2 "and 3" for new developments stadium in Baghdad AL-RUSSAFA
August 2013 Start of a new work in Saudi Arabia, the first water desalination plant that would work only with single power sun.
July 2013
With all our robotic stations outside Spain we had no need to buy new equipment for the building work recently awarded, was to receive the equipment and in less than 24 hours we were already checking structure as seen in the photo.
Construction of a shopping center on Avenida Mediterraneo Almería.
Iraq Babil Start Stadium, 30,000 spectators and 20 months of construction.

May 2013, dimension and grading tests at the start of a group of a power plant.
May 2013 Measurement of elevations and sections of mansion in Ukraine.